Small Business go Social.
Over 3 BILLION people use social media each month
There is a new social media user every 15 seconds
68% of Americans are using Facebook
74% of Facebook users say they visit the site at least once per day
Social Media allows you to create an authentic relationship with your audience.
Your website sets you apart and gives you credibility. Your interactions with your audience on social media allow you to RELATE to your community. Whether highlighting your incredible customers or staff members or discussing local events and trends, like Art Prize or Grand Haven's Coast Guard Festival, social media allows you to anchor yourself in your community. They not only have the opportunity to learn about YOU but, when done well, Social Media Marketing allows you to learn more about your audience and their needs.
A good balance of promotional and interactive posts will keep your customers engaged and not burdened.
Surveys show that nearly half (46%) of social media users will unfollow a brand because they post too many promotional messages. Skilled marketing and interaction on Social Media are key to building your audience vs. losing them.
It allows you to be nimble and efficient with your marketing.
Through targeted advertising and interesting audience interaction, you can quickly become top-of-mind within your field - both locally and nationally. Targeting the ideal customer means your investment goes further to creating lasting, loyal customers.
You can get ahead of the Competition.
Authentic relationships with your clients and targeting will make you stand out from the crowd - your business will have a personality that draws customers to you and away from the competition. More than 50 million businesses currently use Facebook pages - the right social media strategy will help set you apart.

Social media is growing exponentially,
and using social media for marketing allows small businesses to reach more customers faster! Your customers are using social media more than ever and more than anything else. Your business needs to have a solid social media presence; if implemented correctly, marketing with social media can have remarkable results. Gamaxine has a proven track record of using social media successfully.